Tlamati Pechuga 'Milpa' Destilado de Agave
- Pechuga produced in San Miguel Atlapulco, Puebla
- Maestro Mezcaleros Balbino & Sergio Salas
- Collaboration with chef Jazmín Ponce
- 100% Papalométl (Agave potatorum)
- Cooked in a conical earthen oven
- Milled by hand using wooden mallet & canoa in addition to a small mechanical grinder
- Fermented with ambient yeast and spring water in stainless steel tanks
- Distilled three times using traditional copper pot still
- Addition of Criollo heirloom corn, huitlacoche, squash, and pipicha leaf on third distillation
- Grilled corn husk, red licorice, cherry, peach fuzz, fresh brick powder, ricotta, cut green wood, candied pear, and a vague aroma of kerosene lantern
- 67 bottles produced
- 49.1% ABV (ABV may vary batch to batch)